Customization of Arch Linux

My dotfiles are located here.


A tiling window manager, since minimalism is cool.

Why not i3-gaps? You waste space on your monitor(s). Although it is cool to look at, and I have nothing against it if you have too much monitor.

You can find a bunch of useful tips and such on the Arch Linux Wiki i3 page.


It looks nicer than i3-bar, or i3-status.

You can find themes in the polybar-themes repository.


The default launcher for i3 is sufficient for launching programs, but I wanted to have a keybind for connecting to ssh servers, or switching to a different workspace by searching for a window name.


Another terminal emulator. This one's pretty darn fast, and I had to decide between it and Alacritty. I eventually settled with Kitty for the ligature support.


The shell that I use within kitty. Since functions are so easy to make, with a large amount of in-depth documentation, I wish I found this repository sooner.

Along with this, I recommend using starship, since it makes the prompt that much better.

Visaul Studio Code

Works well enough for now.

The extensions and settings that I have configured can be found here.

Ending notes

In the future, I may create a blog with a step-by-step guide on how to get all of this working together.

If I really feel like a tutorial is necessary, I may end up creating a video and posting it on YouTube for visual demonstrations.