- 03/20/24
FastAPI + SQLAlchemy PyTest coverage
- 01/03/24
Maximum amount of parallel jobs for Cargo
- 03/29/23
Competitive programming
- 03/25/23
Rust tools with kickstart.nvim
- 03/24/23
Migration from Visual Studio Code to Neovim
- 03/04/23
Minecraft client side mods
- 03/04/23
VSCode settings and extensions
- 02/12/23
Fixing flashing electron apps in i3wm
- 02/03/23
Reverting yay and pacman packages
- 01/22/23
Neat Docker commands
- 12/24/22
A metric ton of project names
- 10/16/22
Arch Linux Customization
- 10/16/22
GitHub repository updates in Discord channels
- 10/16/22
Windows 10 ISO download
- 09/25/22
CloudFlare Redirecting to an offsite URL
- 09/22/22
Increasing QOL in Factorio
- 08/02/22
Caching SSH keys
- 07/31/22
Utterly broken pip
- 04/22/22
Technology video creators
- 04/08/22
GitHub template repositories