Neat Docker commands

With the docker command below, you're able to create an Ubuntu shell with the files contained in the current working directory. This is neat for quickly testing out something like a shell script on a different version of Ubuntu, or just seeing if your C program compiles at all somewhere else.

docker run -it -v "$PWD:/workspace" -w /workspace ubuntu:20.04 /bin/bash

Another neat command gives you a psql shell in a postgres container. For example, if we were to have the docker-compose.yml file below,

version: "3.7"

    container_name: a-postgres-container

    image: postgres:latest


      - "5432:5432"

Then we'd be able to execute what's below to be able to get that psql shell, as the user postgres.

docker exec -it a-postgres-container psql -U postgres

Not all containers support this, but sometimes you're able to create a bash shell within a container with the following, where a-container is the name of a container with an image, such as gitlab.

docker exec -it a-container /bin/bash